by mindyrobbins | Apr 14, 2023
An act generally revising election laws to provide for a top two primary for certain offices. Montana Family Foundation supports this bill.
by mindyrobbins | Apr 14, 2023
An act generally revising school Library laws, requiring school trustees to adopt policies governing the selection of school library materials. As the bill is currently written, Montana Family Foundation does not support this bill.
by mindyrobbins | Apr 4, 2023
A bill that would provide for the disposition of fetal remains. Montana Family Foundation supports this bill. Tabled in House Human Services (unanimously) on 3/30.
by mindyrobbins | Apr 4, 2023
Require curriculum transparency in education. Montana Family Foundation Supports this bill. Tabled in House Education and blast motion failed on 3/31
by mindyrobbins | Apr 4, 2023
A bill for an act entitled “An act prohibiting the use of public funds for abortion, providing exceptions, providing an appropriation, and providing an effective date”. Montana Family Supports this bill