Todd Starnes Wows the Crowd

Todd Starnes Wows the Crowd

Playing to a packed house at the Northern Hotel last night in Billings, Todd Starnes of FOX News keynoted Montana Family Foundations Friends of the Family Banquet.  For those who don’t know, Todd is the Social Issues Correspondent for FOX News who last week broke the...
Who Do I Vote For?

Who Do I Vote For?

With early voting in full swing and Election Day just 18 days away, the big question is always – who do I vote for?  It’s a critical question given that we live in a representative republic; which means that we vote for people who believe as we do, so that our...
Who’s Running Your Life?

Who’s Running Your Life?

Each week I end this broadcast with the phrase “this government is your government, and your input does make a difference”.  Next week one of the easiest ways to provide input begins; it’s the start of early voting.  It’s your chance to choose the people who will make...
Civil Disobedience and 5-Year-Olds

Civil Disobedience and 5-Year-Olds

What do you do when a 5-year-old boy refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance?  Is it an act of simple defiance, willful disobedience, or the exercising of free speech?  Are 5-year-olds afforded all the protections of the Constitution without reservation?  Can a...
Todd Starnes Wows the Crowd

The Wit and Wisdom of Todd Starnes

At a recent event, I had the opportunity once again to marvel at the ability of certain speakers to ride the rhetorical fence; speaking on subjects so serious that the audience sits spellbound while at the same time weaving in so much humor that the crowd finds itself...